CR Patriots Blog's Articles In Current Events
May 31, 2007 by CR Patriots Blog
There is probably too many blogs out there, especially ones that are started and never posted to. here's one now. below is a link to one I actually do update, please check it out. Link
March 26, 2005 by CR Patriots Blog
The Terri Schiavo case is so sad and disgusting at the same time. They have banned cameras in Terri's room, at the request of Michaels lawyer, now on one hand that is probably a good thing, on the other, it masks the horrible circumstances of Terri's death. According to the article I just read, she is now bleeding from her eyes and mouth, and I'm sure as the "doctors" on Michaels side said, this is so very peaceful for her. Link ...
April 1, 2005 by CR Patriots Blog
December 3, 1963 - March 31, 2005 You can argue all you want that what happened to Terri was the right thing to do, but you'd be wrong. I just am sickened by this and am amazed at the lengths that Michael Schiavo's band of thugs are taking to convince us of how peaceful she died. If there was nothing left of her due to massive brain damage how can you describe it as a peaceful death, if she could not feel anything, then she couldn' t feel peaceful. If she could feel something then stop t...
March 25, 2005 by CR Patriots Blog
I obviously haven't written in a while.. over a year, but I felt compelled to relaunch this site to get frustration off my chest. Terri Schiavo, say what you want about wether you would want to live like that or not. My point is that they are taking a precious human life and completely disrepecting her. We are taking the word of a man who is not faithful to his WIFE, who pledged to let her live out her natural life while he was suing for money, once the money came in, he tried to kill her ...
March 29, 2005 by CR Patriots Blog
I'm still pondering wether Jeb or even W. should do something more to help in the Terri Schiavo case. It has been suggested that Jeb should send in the national guard and take Terri out of the hospice. I can see why it would be tempting to do this. I agree that if nothing is done that we are surrendering more of our liberties to Judicial Tyrany. I hear the arguments that this is what Terri wanted, well on the day that they pulled the feeding tube, Michael said on "Larry King Live" that he...