makes me sick
Published on March 25, 2005 By CR Patriots Blog In Current Events
I obviously haven't written in a while.. over a year, but I felt compelled to relaunch this site to get frustration off my chest. Terri Schiavo, say what you want about wether you would want to live like that or not. My point is that they are taking a precious human life and completely disrepecting her. We are taking the word of a man who is not faithful to his WIFE, who pledged to let her live out her natural life while he was suing for money, once the money came in, he tried to kill her off..... During the first 3 years he said nothing of her wanting to die rather than living with brain damage. Suddenly he remembers... oh yeah she doesn't want to be like this so kill her. She was healthy a weak ago, just using a feeding tube to eat and drink, she was not on a respirator or a heart pump. just food and liquids, like you and me. Many have sworn under oath, she can communicate, of course not like everyone else she does have brain damage, but are we just going to say now if you don't have the quality of life that most people want, we should kill you? Try starving Scott Peterson or any death row inmate, now that would be wrong, because it's cruel and unusual punishment. Another one of the logical stands of the pro death culture. Spare the guilty, kill the innocent. The rogue judges who think they run the country (wait maybe they do, because we let them.) are committing judicial murder. Thats all I want to say for now, I am getting too angry to type.Link Link
on Mar 25, 2005
Pretty solid argument....have to agree with the part bout starving a prisoner....the uproar from the left side of the political spectrum would be ear shattering.
on Mar 26, 2005
Agreed, Terri Schiavo is being given less rights than a convicted murderer, terrorist or even a stray dog.

With nothing but hearsay and outright lies from Michael Schiavo, and contradicting testimony from the medical community, these judges are committing the ultimate tyranny... taking a person's life to show their own self importance.
on Mar 26, 2005

Pretty solid argument....have to agree with the part bout starving a prisoner....the uproar from the left side of the political spectrum would be ear shattering.

The uproar is from both sides, as this is not really political (altho the democrat leadership wants to make it so).

I joined less than a year ago, so I have not seen CR before, but welcome back.  We have about 20 articles on terry Schiavo, about 18 are for her, and 2 are ghouls calling for her flesh.  I am really tired of them, but your title and then premise caught me.  Well done.