Should they?
Published on March 29, 2005 By CR Patriots Blog In Current Events
I'm still pondering wether Jeb or even W. should do something more to help in the Terri Schiavo case. It has been suggested that Jeb should send in the national guard and take Terri out of the hospice. I can see why it would be tempting to do this. I agree that if nothing is done that we are surrendering more of our liberties to Judicial Tyrany. I hear the arguments that this is what Terri wanted, well on the day that they pulled the feeding tube, Michael said on "Larry King Live" that he didn't know what Terri wanted here's the articleLink It may be too late now, she may be beyond saving, but it is worth the exploring for a solution.

on Mar 29, 2005
NO, They shouldn't turn to illegal means, even if the precendence to do so has already been set by Janet Reno.

Lawmakers do need to remind judges that it is their job to interpret existing law, not countermand it. However, that needs to be done through legal means. Storming the hospice may give Jeb or W some temporary "cool points" with many voters, but the rule of law would pay the price.

Janet Reno didn't seem to care what the law, the Constitution or anything else said, we need to break from that line of thinking. If we are not a society of Constitutional Law, we are nothing.
on Mar 29, 2005
It's debatable wether that would be illegal means, They would be defending Terri's constitutinal right to life. It also could be argued that the Judges are violating their role in government, they were not intended to be this powerful. Like I said I'm not sure that would be the answer, but something has to be done about Judicial Tyrany. Congress has to get some courage and use their power to put the Judges back into thier proper balance. This instance is a giant drop down the slippery slope of the death culture, where government gets to decide whos life is valuable and who should die.